Tuesday 9th July, 2013

T'was the night before the Ashes and throughout our hotel, not a creature was stirring except for the Cowan girls. At least, we were asleep until Romy started throwing up in her cot at about 11pm. As I lifted her from her bed, she proceeded to projectile-spew all over me and then the entire hotel room floor. I've never seen such a foul mess, not even by an adult!

To cut a ridiculously long story short, I wound up in hospital at 1am with our poor little munchkin so she could be given fluids to rehydrate and for observation. To this minute, Ed doesn't even realise we left the hotel - he was sound asleep and there was NO WAY I was going to wake him.

On the plus side, I ran into the amazingly-good-looking-even-at-1am Mark Nicholas who was checking into the hotel as Romy and I were being seen to by a paramedic. I've always LOVED him as a presenter and hoped one day we would cross paths, though this wasn't exactly the way I'd imagined we would!

It's now 4am and the idea of having to get up myself in three hours time is a killer - I hope I won't miss any of the match tomorrow but we'll just have to wait and see what the morning brings. The blog countdown clock says it's SIX HOURS until the start of the Ashes - I'M SO EXCITED!

Midnight visit to the hospital on Ashes Eve